The Official Site of the Missouri Interscholastic Journalism Association


The Official Site of the Missouri Interscholastic Journalism Association


The Official Site of the Missouri Interscholastic Journalism Association



MIJA is your Missouri state Journalism organization since 1923.


MIJA Benefits include:

• Uniting Journalism teachers who are in their own corner of the world within their schools. MIJA brings together other teachers who understand the challenges and joys of teaching/advising Journalism.

• New advisers may request a MIJA mentor teacher by emailing [email protected]

• MIJA hosts individual contests for student work in newspaper, photojournalism, yearbook, web, broadcast, etc. Not only are students able to earn honors, but critiques are provided to help promote growth. MIJA member schools are able to enter these contests free of charge.

• MIJA also hosts the MIJA Journalism Student of the Year, Teacher of the Year, Administrator of the Year, Contributing Medium, Knight and Taft honors seen on the Awards page.

• MIJA hosts JDay every spring for students and advisers. We bring in journalism professionals to share information with students, as well as utilize our partnership with the Missouri School of Journalism. Students are able to experience the campus firsthand.

• We also provide our members with weekly communication. We are able to network, as well as receive important reminders and updates such as “Thursday’s Tips.”

It doesn’t matter if you are a new adviser, or have been at it for over 20 years, MIJA wants to help you and your student journalists. Join us today!

Need help? Here’s an easy video tutorial on how to join or renew your MIJA membership.