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You can join MIJA by completing our membership form here.

Welcome MIJA advisers (members), we’ve got exciting news!

The Missouri Interscholastic Press Association (MIPA) merged with the Missouri Journalism Education Association (MJEA) to create one unified press association for the state: MIJA. Our hope is this will make things less confusing for advisers across the state and help connect advisers around the state.

That being said, the leaders of the new organization have created a new membership structure that combines things from both of the merging groups.

Membership will have a tiered structure moving forward, with different price points getting your different services. This new membership structure will allow us to offer more in terms of contests, overall contests and J-Day at the University of Missouri in the spring. Membership starts at the beginning of each school year and should be renewed during that time (August/September) if schools plan to participate in the monthly contests.

The new membership tiers are as follows:

$50 BASIC MEMBERSHIP: includes monthly contests, yearly individual student contests, Student Journalist of the Year, Adviser of the Year, Administrator of the Year, Taft Award, the “Best ofs,” All-State Team and honor roll, but not overalls and J-Day contests which organizations could still enter but at $5 per individual. J-Day contests limit each publication’s number of entries to eight overall.

$80: for one overall publication and all other benefits. J-Day contests are free to members at this level (still limited to eight overall entries), with one overall publication critique, in addition to the other benefits listed in Basic Membership.

$130: for two overall publications and all other benefits. J-Day contests are free to members at this level (still limited to eight overall entries), with two overall publication critiques, in addition to the other benefits listed in Basic Membership.

$245: for three overall publications and all other benefits. J-Day contests are free to members at this level (still limited to eight overall entries), with three overall publication critiques, in addition to the other benefits listed in Basic Membership.

$300: Entire School (4+ publications/programs). J-Day contests are free to members at this level (still limited to eight overall entries), with four overall publication critiques, in addition to the other benefits listed in Basic Membership.

$40: middle school/junior high school membership.