First Place: Aubryanna Allen, Lawson High School

Judge’s Comments: Gorgeous shot. Perfect exposure, crystal clear, great depth of field. I love the flags in the background and the way you framed this image.
Second Place: Trinidi Webb, Staley High School

Judge’s Comments: Great job capturing this very quick moment in perfect clarity. I love the expression on his face and the way the side lighting makes it dramatic.
Third Place: Caroline Kraft, Francis Howell Central High School

Judge’s Comments: I always love a good reaction shot and this one has tons of emotion in it. Nice, clear image but just a little underexposed (inside the gym is so tough).
Honorable Mentions
TRUST EACH OTHER: During the district soccer jamboree, sophomore Getsemani Munoz-Rincon takes the ball from her Winnetonka opponent. The North Kansas City Hornets won this preseason matchup 1-0. "No matter how hard your career is or your dream, try to accomplish it and never give up. Believe in yourself and trust in your teammates to accomplish things together," Munoz-Rincon said.