In an extremely tight contest year, four finalists proved themselves as exceptional student journalists.
MIPA judges chose Sophie Nedelco of Notre Dame de Sion as the MIPA Student Journalist of the Year. Nedelco is the co-editor-in-chief of “Le Journal” student newsmagazine at Notre Dame, advised by Alison Long and Carole Wall-Simmons.
Nedelco and the other seven entrants will be recognized at the annual MIPA Journalism Day scheduled for Wednesday, April 6, in Jesse Hall on the MU campus.
The MIPA SJOY winner traditionally delivers a brief speech when accepting the award. In addition to the award this year, three sponsors have provided a cash award.
Those sponsors include:
$250 from the Missouri Press Association (Doug Crews) http://www.mopress.com
$250 from Wagner Portrait Group (Chip Wagner) http://www.wagnerportraitgroup.com
$200 from Jeanne and Michael Wood (Jeanne Miller-Wood is the photo editor for the Missourian) http://www.emissourian.com