Registration for J-Day 2018 is NOW OPEN!
MIPA is so excited to officially invite you and your students to register for the Wednesday, March 28, Journalism Day on the University of Missouri campus!
Remember, as an MIPA member, J-Day is FREE to attend for teachers and students!
Before you start, we have two changes for this year:
- Lunch:
- During the annual MIPA Business Meeting, 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m., not only will board members be updating membership on the state of MIPA and announcing the new 2018-2020 board members, but we are inviting the session speakers to join us for a luncheon, so teachers can meet some of the wonderfully talented people speaking that day.
- Teachers may bring in their lunch from off-campus, or purchase a Honey Baked Ham Company sandwich, side and drink for $12 when you register. There will be a variety of sandwiches and sides served buffet style for those who purchase during registration. You can use credit card or Purchase Order.
- Parking registration:
- If you are driving an official school bus, you will not need to register your bus for this event. If you are driving an official school bus, please drop off your students at their building (Jesse Hall). Then please have your driver park in lot SG4 (Hearnes Center) or RP10. Please refer to the website:, then click on Campus Maps and then Parking Map for a detailed map.
- If you are driving a personal vehicle, register with the link. That day, please park in Hitt Street Parking Structure (except level 4). Parking for cars/vans is $5.
Just like last year, we just need to know an estimated number of teachers and students attending. You do not need to have students choose sessions or register for those. Once on campus, students will be able to choose the sessions or write-off categories they would like to attend that day.
For all J-Day information, be sure to visit the J-Day 2018 webpage.
Registration closes at the end of the day, Friday, March 23.
Email [email protected] with any questions.