With school starting in the next few weeks, it’s time to start your publication’s membership in the state scholastic journalism organization as well! Last school year, MIPA had a record number of members and a record attendance registered for J-Day. We hope to top those numbers again this year, and continue to serve journalism teachers and students across the state with our line up of programs and services.
MIPA offers journalism advisers and student journalists the Total Package.
- Total Passion for Missouri journalism tradition by partnering with the first, oldest and still the top journalism school in the country – the Missouri School of Journalism. The School is driven and dedicated to supporting strong journalism programs in Missouri.
- Total Recognition like none other, annually recognizing 1000-plus Missouri students for outstanding journalism at all levels. J-Day contests, student/teacher/administrator recognitions, contests and challenges throughout the year and more!
- Totally Powerful Missouri advisers network through a valuable Listserv that gets you answers fast, a rural publication outreach and the production of the national schooljournalism.org website and weekly newsletter.
- Total Tools for building strong student
journalists with publication and individual critiques and feedback, website resources, Missouri Urban Journalism Workshop, regional student workshops, and challenges and photo contests throughout the year.
ACCESS THE 2017-18 MEMBERSHIP FORM HERE. This year, we ask you help out our volunteer office staff and fill out the form once for each school, if at all possible.
Please feel free to contact the office if you have any questions, contact information is at the bottom of the form.
Take advantage of the early bird special and join or renew by Sept. 1!
Need to convince someone of the value of MIPA? Print and share the MIPA Total Package Flier 2017-18.
We look forward to another exciting year at MIPA with you!